< class="aux-modern-heading-primary">>< class="aux-modern-heading-secondary">Become A Member>
Be our guest. Check our list of members. If your business category is not already represented, contact an existing member, or our Executive Director. We’ll arrange to meet you at our next scheduled lunch meeting. After meeting our members, if you would like to join, simply return here and submit your membership application. We look forward to meeting you.

< class="aux-modern-heading-primary">>< class="aux-modern-heading-secondary">Apply Now!>
< class="aux-modern-heading-primary">>< class="aux-modern-heading-secondary">Membership Requirements>
Your primary business must fall within a classification that is currently unrepresented.
The prospective member must be in a leadership role at the company (CEO, general manager, community leader, etc.)
Your business must have been in operation for at least two years.
Your business must be located in the Greater Spokane area.
< class="aux-modern-heading-primary">>< class="aux-modern-heading-secondary">Have more questions?>
< class="aux-modern-heading-primary">>< class="aux-modern-heading-secondary">Let ushelp!>